Monday, January 30, 2012

"It is good to love many things.

 For therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and we can accomplish much.

.. and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done."

- Vincent van Gough

If you had the power to take your soul and run away with it for just the day,
where would you go?

Would you capture those moments, or would you just let them pass?

 So just get lost in the magic of your imagination.
And cherish that for eternity.

Friday, January 27, 2012

"In dreams, you will lose your heartaches.

Whatever you wish for, you keep.

Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through."

- Cinderella

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ride at night,

Ride through Heaven and Hell.

Come back and you'll feel so well.

And if for some reason you didn't know,

Everything about you is absolutely wonderful. 

I promise. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"You know that place between sleep and awake?

That place where you can still remember dreaming?

That's where I'll be waiting."

- Peter Pan